Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Daily Goal

Complete Switch Tile Client Editor

Same as yesterday.

All of the interface objects are in place. Just need to work out a few bugs.

The look of the interface has been bothering me. The text blends too much with anything bright behind it and there isn't much room for it outside of the main grid.

Text blending with bright background.

I had created a Class 'TextPlus' which extends the FlashPunk Class 'Text' and added an optional boolean in the constructor (_addAntiBlend:Boolean = false). When set true, TextPlus will automatically create another Text object that mimics its parent. That Text object is black and sits 2 pixels down and to the right of it's parent. This helps stop the white text from mixing too much with something bright behind it.

Although this has helped, it still doesn't seem to be enough. Therefor, I was thinking of creating a new 'GUI_Text' class. I want this to add mostly opaque black rectangle background behind the text. Then, so that the user can see what's behind it, I will use an algorithm that reduces the alpha the closer the mouse pointer gets to it. I've actually already used this algorithm with a set of text in the Switch Tile Client Editor:

 Mouse pointer far from text.

 Mouse pointer close to text.

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